My windows logon screens

awhile back i reverted Think Green back to default Vista so i can use my windowblinds and icon packager.  But the IE shortcut and Show desktop shortcut remained green on the quicklaunch.  i finally deleted the IE and made new shortcut but the Show desktop I am not sure what to do to change it back or to another icon package.  I tried using the IconPackager to change them but it didn't work.  anyone have any ideas?  thanks


on Mar 18, 2009

Which option in IconPackager did  you try?

If you haven't already, try going under(in IconPackager) Settings>System Settings and use the Rebuild Icon Cache and Repair Icon Images buttons, which should help with the issue.  If not, try the Repair Shell Icons...  button and select "Repair shell icons for all processes"


If none of that works, then shoot us an email over at, and we'll try to figure something else out.


on Mar 18, 2009

Which option in IconPackager did  you try?

If you haven't already, try going under(in IconPackager) Settings>System Settings and use the Rebuild Icon Cache and Repair Icon Images buttons, which should help with the issue.  If not, try the Repair Shell Icons...  button and select "Repair shell icons for all processes"


If none of that works, then shoot us an email over at, and we'll try to figure something else out.



I already tried those options but tried again to double check.  still the same.  I did last night try changing icons with the Quick Launch Icons checked to be sure.  but no go.



on Mar 18, 2009

i have a similar problem trying to revert back to xp, i cant revert or reinstall mycolours (it just freezes while unintstalling) its the free version using the Sins set up.

on Mar 18, 2009

You do need to go into MyColors before uninstalling it and apply the "Widows XP Desktop" at the bottom of the list first.  Did you do that?

on Mar 18, 2009

i'm on vista.  as i stated before i went back to vista default in mycolors.  but it didn't change the quick launch icons back.

on Mar 18, 2009

Ya sorry, that was directed at viola, I should've been more specific.  Or maybe viola would be better off starting a different thread, this could get cumbersome.

on Mar 21, 2009

i will and btw its VOILA rather than viola

on Apr 03, 2009

well i finally got around to doing more homework on this project.  in order to fix what the Think Green screwed up i had to make a new icon thanks to this site:

so much for stardock fixing the problem.  I see in the Icon Packager there is the Think Green icons with show desktop in green there too.  i don't know if i'd risk that either knowing there is no proper way to revert back the Show Desktop Icon.

